
Here is the list of bookcrossers who will come to the Bordeaux-Convention:

Screenname Country
1 Krissa33 F Orgateam
2 Jemlire F Orgateam
3 Mariesg F Orgateam
4 Wilena F Orgateam
5 3malglueck D
6 6of8 US
7 Aaltsje NL
8 Appelsiini FIN
9 Ambre33 F
10 Andromeda78 GB
11 anyrock NL
12 ApoloniaX D
13 Anke68 D
14 auweia D
15 Azuki US
16 Azureskippy IRL
17 baboul333 F
18 bludanzer22 US
19 Boekentrol NL
20 M. Boekentrol NL
21 bronwyna AUS
22 Calisson D
23 Cassiopeia UK
24 cat107 AUS
25 Chawoso D
26 M. Chawoso D
27 coco7 D
28 M. coco7 D
29 Countofmounte UK
30 Cyr11 F
32 Diotallevi D
33 D-Vineland D
34 Dracessa D
35 earthcaroleanne UK
36 Elis-fromsweden S
37 e-marmotte F
38 Faizy F
39 Feltre GR
40 Fifna NL
41 florence71 F
42 FutureCat NZ
43 Gaschd D
44 Ghanescha A
45 Gizmopuddy IRL
46 Havelblume D
47 Helod IRL
48 HerrNiebel D
49 holle77 D
50 Hugbert D
51 Indiegirl-D D
52 Ixion US
53 Chris (M. Ixion) US
54 Jannike NL
55 Jishka D
56 Jonno F
57 K-j-h AUS
58 lamelemon RO
59 Lamilla BY
60 Leamhliom IRL
61 LeishaCamden N
62 Leselotte D
63 Livrepublic E/D
64 Lola66 F
65 Losina D
66 lytteltonwitch NZ
67 Macaufan US
68 Marcy F
69 meganh AUS
70 Menelwe CH
71 MetteLind N
72 MissMarkey UK
73 moerschen D
74 nursefluff AUS
75 Olagorie D
76 Oldvulture D
77 Over-the-moon CH
78 Pascale973 F
79 paws4books GB
80 Poodlesister UK
81 poppy17 D
82 Qucumber N
83 Rahar109 UK
84 RazFaz D
85 Regni N
86 Romney AUS
87 M. Romney AUS
88 RosalieL AUS
89 Roxy4 IRL
90 sakirmo FIN
91 SforSuperman AUS
92 sfrenchie F
93 shnedwards UK
94 slipperbunny FIN
95 Skyring AUS
96 Mrs. Skyring AUS
97 sota48 N
98 Souram CH
99 T800 D
100 Teachie UK
101 M. Teachie UK
102 Tobb S
103 Travelina N
104 Trinibell D
105 Veversken N
106 Viv-Vivenef F
107 Xaradoc D
108 Yogischoko D

16 commentaires:

  1. Hello people of the organizing committee!
    For some reason Mr. Boekentrol has fallen off the list of attendees, as have our payments. They were made 3-4 months ago and confirmed, for we were added to the list and the payment was added behind our names around 3 months ago. I did not check again, assuming all was done and delt with, untill today, when I wanted to take a look at the list of attendees to see if I could find something to surprise a few of them with.
    This was not a nice surprise / discovery... :-(
    Could you please check again asap? If necessary, I can provide payment details by PM to the convention account on BC, just send me a notice.
    Best regards,

    1. Sorry, I found the mistake... everything is OK with both of you
      Best regards

  2. Hello! Wanted to check in to make sure you received payment and registration for Ixion and Mr Ixion. If not let me know.

  3. Hello,
    yes, we received the payment, but I had no internet for a cuple of days. I'll make the update ASAP

  4. I still owe 20 euro for the Convention. Is it better to wait and pay it when I pay for the extra trips, when we know the total cost? Or would you like me to go ahead and pay the 20?

    1. Hello Jackie
      no, you can wait till we have all the costs, no problem


    2. Hi Krissa,
      Thank you and of course I owe 25 euro, not 20!

  5. Bonjour, je vois que Croquignolle est toujours sur la liste - mais elle ne peut pas venir: elle l'a dit sur le forum 17 (et à moi personnellement). L'argent qu'elle a versé est pour la cagnotte (livres du wishlist).

  6. Can you please advise if the list is up to date now, I sent payment for 3 Irish bookcrossers, Azureskippy, Roxy 4 and Leamhliom on the 25th of January but I cannot see their names on the list of attendees. Many thanks

  7. Hello Krissa. Veversken has now disappeared from the list.

  8. I paid my 45 euros in January but I'm not on the list. -slipperbunny

  9. I paid 60 euros in January but it is still showing only 10 each paid. I will pay the other 10 when we arrive (the 5 euros each late payment). I will bring a copy of the paypal receipt with me showing that I paid as teachie, in case you were going off my real name.

  10. Hi Krissa, reposting a message that may be hard to find under Conventions and Meetings - paws4books and andromeda78 are missing from the list but have paid - could you check? (paws... couldn't post here)

  11. Sorry...
    Please have a look and tell me if someone is missed
